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with AI

Willkommen bei Artifact – wir implementieren KI-Lösungen, um deine grössten Herausforderungen zu meistern und mehr Wert aus euren Daten zu extrahieren. Unser Expertenteam kombiniert technisches Know-How mit fundierter Business-Erfahrung. Mit unserem kundenfokussierten Ansatz priorisieren wir verantwortungsvolle Lösungen, welche Qualität, Skalierbarkeit, Geschwindigkeit und Flexibilität vereinen. Wir sind in einer Vielzahl an Branchen in der ganzen Schweiz tätig.


Zufriedene Kunden

Der Net Promoter Score (NPS) ist unsere zentrale Metrik für Kundenzufriedenheit und -loyalität. Kunden werden gefragt, wie wahrscheinlich es ist, dass sie unsere Dienstleistungen weiterempfehlen. Ein NPS von +84 ist phänomenal: Er zeigt an, dass die grosse Mehrheit unserer Kunden nicht nur zufrieden, sondern aktiv begeistert von uns ist. Dieser Wert zeugt von unserem Engagement für Exzellenz und den Aufbau starker, positiver Beziehungen mit unseren Kunden.

Trusted by:

Gemeinsam Werte schaffen

Wir fokussieren uns darauf, verantwortungsvolle KI-Lösungen zu bauen, die perfekt in die Strategie deines Unternehmens passen. Unser Ziel ist es, skalierbare Strukturen für nachhaltiges Wachstum zu konstruieren.

Unsere drei Fokusthemen

Implement for Impact

Artifact generiert Werte aus Daten, mit Hilfe von verantwortungsvollen KI-Lösungen. Wir beschleunigen den Impact für dein Unternehmen durch massgeschneiderte Implementierungen, ein agiles Mindset und Expertise in diversen Bereichen.

Mit unseren Expertenteams implementieren wir KI-Lösungen, um deine grössten Herausforderungen zu meistern und mehr Wert aus deinen Daten zu extrahieren.

Durch unseren kundenorientierten Ansatz priorisieren wir verantwortungsvolle Implementierungen. Dabei verfolgen wir einen agnostischen Ansatz und bauen auf deinen bestehenden Umgebungen auf, um die Implementierung zu beschleunigen.

Drive for Clarity

Artifact zeichnet sich durch weitreichende Expertise im Erstellen von strategischen KI-Roadmaps aus. Wir helfen bei der Definition von gewinnbringenden Use Cases, um deine KI- und Datentransformation zu unterstützen.

Unsere Experten gehen weit über gute Ratschläge hinaus und fokussieren sich auf das Entwickeln von Strategien und Plänen, die zu deinen individuellen Anforderungen passen.

Wir sind der agile Wegweiser für dich mit dem Ziel, strategische Roadmaps mit einer frühzeitigen Integration von Daten und schnellem Prototyping zu vereinen.

Enable for Scale

Artifact hilft beim Aufbauen und Verbessern von qualifizierten Data Science Teams. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, die richtigen technologischen und organisatorischen Grundlagen für deine spezifische Situation zu legen – immer mit dem Fokus auf Wachstum.

Wir konzentrieren uns darauf, die Fähigkeiten deines Unternehmens auf ein neues Level zu heben. Dafür erhöhen wir dein Verständnis über deine Daten, setzen uns für MLOps ein und bauen organisatorische Strukturen, die Wachstum und Flexibilität unterstützen.

Wir sind dein Partner im Aufbau von Teams und Prozessen für Skalierbarkeit und schnelle Wertschöpfung.

Stimmen unserer Kunden

Artifact stand for reliability, speed, and quality. The seamless integration into the existing team at the Swiss Post, along with proactive support, significantly accelerated the success of our data analyses and marketing automation work. Thank you for the excellent collaboration!

Christine Steuri
Co-Lead Market Development PostNetz

The ramp-up and realization of our joint AI projects with Artifact were smooth, highly efficient, and always goal-orientated. These were and are optimal prerequisites to achieve great results with moderate effort quickly. In summary, Artifact impresses as a cooperative, uncomplicated, and highly professional partner with profound skills and expertise in developing artificial intelligence applications. Thank you for our excellent collaboration!

Herbert Bucheli
Head Business Analytics Services

Artifact helped us to evaluate the right Data Science platform for our organization. Their expertise in Data Science and their thought-through communication made the process very smooth and efficient. We are confident that the selected platform will deliver great value for our teams. We are looking forward for future engagements and recommend Artifact for any Data Science related matters.

Martin Fischer
Guild Owner IT Architecture

Outcome-driven, collaborative and proactive approach paired with strong data analytics framework and skills – Artifact is a great company in the field of Data Analytics we’re proud to work with. Having the best people on board always pays off!

Roberto Fedele

I was highly impressed by the speed and quality Artifact continuously demonstrated in all of our AI initiatives as well as by their knowledge & expertise, their structured working approach and their excellent communication and collaboration. We are extremely pleased how Artifact leverages their diverse capabilities and leadership skills having a real impact in delivering value on our transformative programs.

Sonja Haucke
Lead Application Technology Development

Our work with Artifact was not only enriching, but extremely impressive. The team was able to easily extract the ideas and implementation possibilities during our brainstorming session, enriched them with their own ideas and brought them to the point brilliantly. The technical realisation of our project not only met our expectations but exceeded them.

André Bärlocher
Project Manager Learning Media Development

It was a pleasure working with the team of Artifact. I especially appreciated the hands-on- and can-do-mentality as well as the open and informative discussions. The team showed a pragmatic approach to solve complex data issues helping Manor to progress swiftly. I am looking forward to the next chance for joint work.

Robin Messmer
Head of Planning

I truly enjoyed the pragmatic collaboration with a strong focus on business results and a highly capable team from Artifact to deliver first results within days.

Philip Michel
Head of Customer Data

I want to thank Artifact for their excellent work on our recent project. The team has been able to fully tailor their approach to fit our specific needs. They brought a creative and interactive element to our workshop. Their expertise in AI was evident and added significant value to our project, showing a deep understanding of our business. Their hands-on and thoughtful approach made a real difference.

Stéphane Dupasquier
Director of IT

Artifact has realized successfully for V-ZUG an innovative solution. I really enjoyed the spirit and positivity of the Artifact team, the pragmatic-approach during the delivery and the innovative and out-of-the-box thinking to solve challenges. Thank you for a great partnership.

Laura Fankhauser
Marketing Specialist

Artifact’s input for our data vision were valuable, pragmatic and concise and reflect their expertise in data management, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. I especially appreciated Artifact’s flexible, open and straightforward way of working which led to an excellent result.

Patrick Müllener
Head Business Solutions

In our Proof-of-Concept engagement with Artifact, the project team was quick to understand the aim and the setting in which the solution needed to bring value. Not only did they deliver in the agreed timeframes, they did so pragmatically by providing clarity on what can be achieved within the agreed constraints, but also proposed future possibilities. We are very happy with the work of Artifact and can truly recommend their services to others.

Jonathan Lee
Senior Program Manager

The engagement of Artifact was very solution oriented to highlight data discrepancies in a pragmatic and straight forward manner leading to an actionable dashboard. The rich background on retail specific data was very beneficial to jointly define the most relevant focus areas. Darüber hinaus hat die kontinuierliche Zusammenarbeit mit wöchentlichen Statusbesprechungen dazu beigetragen, das Engagement optimal zu nutzen. Thanks for the hard work.

Julian Däster
Director eCommerce

The Artifact team had a proactive behavior, quickly starting the project on our request and dealing with our tough time constraints. The team adapted swiftly to our change requirements on short notice and surprised us by delivering the work on time with extra miles. We enjoyed the experience to work with Artifact and the value delivered to ERS.

Stéphane Dupasquier
Director of IT

Artifact was the perfect enabler to realize our AI initiatives quickly and efficiently. The team tailored the projects to our needs and adapted swiftly to real-time requirements. The pragmatic approach was key to success to bring fast value into the company. A big thanks to the team for guiding us through this transformative journey with Generative AI!

Julia Dimmler
Head of Media, Member of the Executive Board